What is DevSecOps?

By Aizhan Azhybaeva June 30, 2023

DevSecOps is a software development approach that integrates security practices and principles into the DevOps methodology. It emphasizes the importance of addressing security considerations throughout the entire software development lifecycle, rather than treating it as a separate phase or an afterthought.

In traditional software development, security measures are often introduced at later stages, leading to potential vulnerabilities and delays in addressing security issues. DevSecOps aims to shift security left, meaning that security is incorporated early on and is an integral part of the development process.

Key principles and practices of DevSecOps in UAE include


Implementing security measures through automated processes and tooling to ensure consistent and reliable security practices.


Encouraging close collaboration and communication between development, operations, and security teams to align their goals and address security concerns effectively.

Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)

Integrating security checks and tests into the CI/CD pipelines to identify and address security vulnerabilities as part of the regular development process.

Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

Applying security controls and configurations to infrastructure provisioning and management using code, such as using tools like Terraform or CloudFormation.

Security Testing

Conducting regular security testing, including static code analysis, vulnerability scanning, penetration testing, and security monitoring, to identify and remediate security weaknesses.

Compliance and Governance

Ensuring adherence to regulatory requirements and security policies through continuous monitoring, auditing, and compliance checks.

The goal of DevSecOps is to create a culture of shared responsibility, where security is everyone’s concern and integrated into the overall development and operations practices. By embedding security into the DevOps process, organizations can build and deploy software that is more resilient to security threats and achieve faster, more secure releases.